deKay's Lofi Gaming

Dead Space: Extraction (Wii)

Taken as a shooty game, Dead Space: Extraction isn’t especially special. It’s pretty and everything, but there’s little variety in the baddies. It has some nice weapons, but once I obtained the line gun I found I didn’t need anything else (aside from the rivet gun for, er, the riveting bits). However, taken as an interactive film, Dead Space: Extraction is fantastic. A plot to out-do many SciFi flicks, mostly excellent voice acting (although some of the accents do drop …

Bobo Robot (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Another Sokpop game! This one is a tiny Metroidvania where you’re a robot and you have to, well, explore and collect nuts and bolts and fly a little spaceship. Upgrades include a body (you start as just a head!), a gun, the ability to go in water, and so on. It’s all quite cute and has frogs in it. It’s got chunky graphics which remind me a bit of Atari 2600 games aside from a few bits where they have …

Project-X Special Edition (Evercade): COMPLETED!

Bloody hell that was hard. Save states at the start of each level and still the last couple of levels were near impossible. Although I loved this back on my Amiga, what I hadn’t realised back then was how poor the collision detection was, which, coupled with the jerky movement, caused so many deaths as I slammed accidentally into walls as I tried to scrape by. Perhaps this was because the first two levels are pretty easy but I never …

Star Trek Online (PS5)

If you’re a long time reader of this diary, or you follow me online generally, you probably know I don’t play games online very often, and I never play MMORPGs at all. Well, not since a brief dabble into Anarchy Online some 17 years ago, anyway. Why, you might ask, am I playing Star Trek Online then? And I would answer you with, I Really Don’t Know. As a free to play game, I did a bit of research first. …

Island Saver (Switch): COMPLETED!

Cynically, Island Saver is an advert for NatWest Bank, superficially dressed up as a save-the-planet first person eco shooter. You clear up and recycle rubbish, you clean the plants and animals, and you endure banking related puns as you go. Shoehorned in is a primer on what a bank is, and you’re taught about interest, currency exchange, loans and tax collecting. And of course because this is an advert, the game is free. So why did I enjoy playing it …

104 Game Challenge

Just like last year, this year I took part in the RetroCollect 52 Game Challenge. The idea was to complete, uh, 52 games in a single year. Back in June, I successfully became the first person taking part to hit the 52 game barrier. But I wasn’t going to stop there. With the challenge over before the year was half done, I aimed for 104 games. The 104 Game Challenge, if you will. For the less mathematical of my readers, …